What to Expect in Rehab at Greenhouse

Most patients coming to Greenhouse fly into Dallas Fort-Worth or Love Field. We understand that the trip can be a difficult one, so we make transportation to addiction treatment at Greenhouse as simple as possible by picking you up from the airport and bringing you to the facility.

Your First 24 Hours

detox center lobby where patients will go when first entering treatment

From the moment you walk through the Greenhouse doors, you’ll be taken care of by our highly qualified and caring staff.

First, you’ll meet with an intake director or therapist for about an hour. During this time, they will ask you questions to help lay out an appropriate care plan.

You will also spend about an hour to an hour-and-a-half meeting with one of our caring nursing staff team members who will:

  • Take your vitals.
  • Conduct a drug screen.
  • Collect some information about your medical history.

All of this will help ensure we provide you with the right type of treatment.

Our staff will then inventory the items you brought to rehab to ensure everything is on the permitted items list (see “What to Bring” below) and help you lock up any valuables and cash.

You may be asked to change into a new outfit in a private room alone (with no one watching) to ensure that no weapons or contraband are brought into the facility in your attire.

You will then begin your treatment in earnest. Very often, medical detox is the first step. During the first 24 hours in medical detox, you’ll meet with a medical provider who will assess your withdrawal symptoms and determine which medications are needed to relieve symptoms and prevent complications and whether medication-assisted treatment is right for you.

During your time in detox, you may be encouraged to attend groups and 12-step meetings, though we do understand that in early detox you may prefer to rest.

The day ends at 11 p.m. with lights out.

Certain COVID protocols may apply for new admitting patients. 

What to Bring to Rehab

We advise bringing enough basic clothes (comfortable tops, jeans, shorts, jacket, etc.) to last you about 7 to 10 days and an appropriate  swimsuit (no thong-style, cheeky or deep plunge suits).

Greenhouse does have laundry facilities, and laundry will be done 2 times per week. You should not bring toiletries including shampoo, deodorant, etc. (See “What Not to Bring” below.) We do not allow makeup items of any kind.

You may bring your cellphone, personal computer, and other electronic devices, but they may only be used during free time outside program hours. If someone is placed on a WRAP (Wellness Rapid Action Plan), they will not have access to their electronics, until their treatment team determines otherwise.

Cellphone use is prohibited during medical detox or the first 72 hours of residential treatment if you did not start with detox. Cell phone privileges may also be temporarily revoked at other times upon staff request, as per our cell phone and electronics policy.

However, for those who want to get the most out of addiction treatment, we encourage you to limit electronic use, and bring books and other reading materials. We find this minimizes distractions and external stressors, and allows for a deeper focus on recovery.

We do allow you to smoke cigarettes or vapes. Tobacco/cigarettes must be brought to the facility in their original, unopened packaging. Vapes cannot be brought in and must be purchased on-site at Greenhouse.

Other items to pack include:

  • Insurance card, ID and any paperwork you need staff to sign.

You may be able to purchase approved items through Amazon or have family send them to the facility.

What NOT to Bring to Rehab

Store Runs

We now offer weekly store runs as an added privilege for patients who are attending all their groups and following treatment protocols.

Patients may order a select number of snacks, sodas, toiletries, and tobacco products, which are then delivered to them the following day. Payment is made via credit card.

More details upon admission.

An Average Day at Addiction Rehab

Courtyard pond in front of Greenhouse Treatment Center near DallasOnce you complete the detox process, your typical day in treatment will revolve around groups and classes.

Treatment at Greenhouse will vary according to the patient and the day, but the following is an example of a typical schedule:

  • 6:30 am–7:50 am: Breakfast
  • 7 am–7:45 am: Personal time, homework
  • 7:45 am–8:30 am: Recreational time to attend yoga, meditation, work out, or relax
  • 8:30 am–Noon: Groups
  • Noon–1:15 pm: Lunch/free time
  • 1:15 pm–5:15 pm: Process groups, specialized programming, or educational classes
  • 5 pm–8:30 pm: Dinner/free or recreational time
  • 7 pm–8 pm: AA or NA
  • 8:30 pm–9:30 pm: Big Book study
  • 10 pm–11 pm: Reading, homework, reflection
  • 11 pm: Lights out


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