33 Arrests and 24 Arrests Pending in Brown County Drug Bust

A 20-month investigation has resulted in at least 33 arrests with more than two dozen more in process. Some of those arrested or sought for arrest have what are reportedly “direct ties” to Mexican drug cartels. All 57 of these are allegedly part of an illegal drug trafficking ring across Brown County. Just a few of the substances purchased by undercover investigators during the process of the investigation include marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, and a range of prescription drugs, including painkillers and sedatives.

While all arrested incurred drug charges, some were additionally charged with felony possession of a firearm, evading arrest, tampering with evidence, and/or prescription fraud.

The Border War

In Texas, drug trafficking is an ongoing issue, one that is fought through numerous investigations that are ongoing concurrently. With close proximity to South America where many of these drugs originate, it is not just border towns that have the problem but also counties across Texas.

As a result, families across the state are struggling with addiction as well as legal problems related to drug possession and sales. As addiction grows, it is not uncommon for people living with the disorder to have less and less ability to financially support their increased tolerance for their drug of choice. They also can easily become less and less employable as the effects of drug use increase. For many, it quickly feels like the only possible solution is to sell drugs in order to get theirs for “free.” Of course, it doesn’t take long for this to get complicated, and many find themselves on the wrong end of a warrant as part of an investigation like the Brown County bust.

Healing Starts at Home

When it comes to addiction, involvement of the courts can make it more difficult to connect with comprehensive treatment, especially if charges of a violent nature are included with the drug charges. On the other hand, it can be a real wakeup call for someone who may not yet fully understand just how serious their addiction really is and the fact that the course of their life can be altered – if not ended – by their continued use of drugs and alcohol.

In some cases, drug courts may be an option, offering those who find themselves in front of a judge due to an untreated drug addiction to connect with treatment and support. A case manager offers accountability as do follow-up court dates with the judge. “Offenders” can often clear the slate and avoid jail time associated with the charges if they can complete the required programs, stay clean and sober, and avoid further police contact. If these guidelines are not followed, however, the person ends up facing the full penalty associated with their charges.

If your loved one has not yet been arrested but is at risk, the time is now to connect with a treatment program that could stop them from having to deal with the courts at all.

What Does Effective Drug Treatment Look Like?

Inpatient treatment, outpatient care, intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization, detox, medication-assisted treatment, sober living – there are so many different types of treatment to choose from that it can feel like you are “guessing” which course of care will be the most effective for your loved one. The fact is that there is no such thing as a “one size treats all” program. That is, the best program for your loved one may not be the best program for someone else; the choice should be based on all the personal details that make your loved one’s situation unique.

The treatment program you choose for your loved one should offer:

  • A full evaluation and assessment to identify all co-occurring disorders
  • Unique treatment plans designed to meet their needs
  • Treatment goals that are evaluated regularly
  • A number of different types of therapy and treatment
  • Family support and assistance
  • Aftercare and follow-up treatment

Because finances are almost always a huge factor in the choice in treatment, it is recommended that you start by looking at the programs that will work with your insurance company and determine what out-of-pocket costs you will incur before you get started. Don’t let these numbers deter you; treatment pays for itself when it is successful in helping your loved one heal and embrace a life of balance.

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