Reyna Haynes brings 14 years of experience in the psychology field and 9 years specializing in substance abuse to her impactful role at Greenhouse Treatment Center. As a pivotal figure in client interactions, Reyna sets the tone for new clients, recognizing the importance of shaping their initial experiences during their stay. Her personal mantra—”You are not your addiction. Change the way you see yourself and others will begin to see you that way too!”—reflects her commitment to empowering individuals on their recovery journey.

What excites Reyna about her role is the opportunity to make a lasting impact on clients’ lives. She finds fulfillment in addressing the little issues, allowing clients to focus on the primary reason for their stay. With a BA in Psychology and an MBA in Business, Reyna’s educational background underscores her comprehensive approach to client care.

Having dedicated nearly a decade to the Greenhouse, Reyna looks forward to celebrating her 9th anniversary in March. Outside of her professional endeavors, she treasures her long-term relationship with her best friend Eric, enjoys cruising, and shares her home with two beloved fur babies, Toby and Keeno, who are approaching their 11th birthday. Reyna’s dedication, experience, and compassionate approach make her an invaluable asset to the Greenhouse community.