Etizolam Abuse and Side Effects
Marketed for medicinal use as a sedative-hypnotic drug with muscle-relaxing, insomnia-reducing, and anti-anxiety properties, etizolam is a thienodiazepine (pharmacologically indistinct from the benzodiazepine class of drugs) available in a number of other countries, such as Japan. It is not currently approved for use in the United States.1
Etizolam is chemically similar to benzodiazepines such as diazepam (Valium) and has comparable central nervous system depressant effects. Like Valium and other benzodiazepines, it has anxiety-reducing, sedating, anticonvulsant, and muscle-relaxing effects. However, both animal and clinical studies indicate that etizolam is 6-10 times more potent than Valium at eliciting its various pharmacological effects.2
In illicit forms, etizolam may be found in tablet or powder form. It is sometimes administered on blotter paper that can be placed on the tongue for oral absorption.2
Etizolam Abuse
Illicit use of etizolam is growing. Near the end of 2014, the Blue Ridge Poison Centre in Virginia noted an upward trend in Poison Control Center calls around the country, as well as internet searches, and lists the medication as a drug of concern.3
The DEA notes that illicit purchases of the drug may occur online, where it has been marketed as a “research chemical”.2
Etizolam (called “etiz” or “etizzy” on the street) may be abused for its reinforcing, sedative effects.4 The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) noted a significant rise in etizolam drug reports in the span of just 5 years from 3 in 2012 to 898 in 2017.2
Warning Signs of Etizolam Abuse
Because etizolam is a Schedule I substance in the United States, simply having the substance is in violation of federal law and could itself be a warning sign of abuse.
Continued use despite negative side effects may also be taken as a warning sign of problematic use. Adverse effects of etizolam use may include:2,5
- Excessive sedation/sleepiness.
- Depression.
- Confusion.
- Impaired cognitive functioning.
- Impaired coordination.
- Changes to vision.
- Slurred speech.
- Libido changes.
- Tremors.
Etizolam is not marketed in the U.S. but is widely available online, so suspicious packages arriving at the person’s home (for example, from other countries) may serve as another red flag.
Other warning signs of a growing problem with etizolam that may eventually develop in an addiction (sedative-hypnotic use disorder) include:6
- Decreased work productivity/poor performance.
- Increase in school absences and/or a drop in grades.
- Increased isolation.
- Avoidance of personal responsibilities.
- Abandoning previously enjoyed hobbies.
- Needing more of the drug to experience the desired effects.
- Going through withdrawal when etizolam use is cut back or ended.
If you recognize the warning signs of bendoziazepine abuse or addiction in yourself or someone you love, we are here. There is no better time to get help than today. Call us at to speak an admissions navigator confidentially today.
Can You Overdose on Etizolam?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been increasing reports of misuse and several deaths associated with etizolam abuse.7 Serious adverse outcomes are more likely when sedative-hypnotics are combined other drugs that depress the central nervous system, such as alcohol.8
The combination compounds the depressant effects, such as sedation and respiratory depression, and may result in life-threatening overdose.9 According to a 2017 WHO expert peer review of etizolam, all known cases of etizolam-related deaths at the time involved other substances such as alcohol and opioids.10
Little information is published about overdose of etizolam specifically, but signs of a benzodiazepine overdose include:6,11,12
- Confusion.
- Extreme drowsiness.
- Muscle weakness.
- Slowed pulse.
- Severely slowed or stopped breathing.
- Coma.
An overdose should be considered a medical emergency. If you suspect an overdose in your or someone else, call 911 immediately.
Dependence and Withdrawal from Etizolam
Etizolam, like benzodiazepines, is associated with some potential for physiological dependence. As dependence develops, the body becomes increasingly reliant on the drug to function normally. Significant reductions in the dose or a complete cessation of use may result in the onset of acute withdrawal, the symptoms of which may be severe.
The acute etizolam withdrawal syndrome may include symptoms characteristic of benzodiazepine withdrawal, including:1,6
- Anxiety.
- Agitation.
- Insomnia.
- Cravings.
- Rapid pulse rate.
- Sweating.
- Tremors.
Stopping a drug like etizolam suddenly, without medical supervision and guidance, is never a good idea. Etizolam is chemically similar to benzodiazepines, which are associated with serious, sometimes life-threatening symptoms including hallucinations and grand mal seizures.6 Medical detox is the safest and smoothest way to begin recovery from etizolam, benzodiazepine, or other sedative addiction.
Do You Need Medical Detox for Etizolam Withdrawal?
Stopping a medication like etizolam suddenly is not safe.
Etizolam is a relatively short-acting benzodiazepine-type medication,1 and it may be replaced during medical detox with longer-acting benzodiazepines that are slowly tapered after introduction to mitigate withdrawal and curb drug cravings.13,14
Medical detox is commonly provided in a specialty facility that provides around-the-clock medical monitoring and care to stabilize the withdrawing individual and manage their symptoms, often with the use of medications.
Outpatient detox may be an option but is usually reserved for people strongly committed to recovery, with less pronounced physical dependence, who have not been abusing other substances, and who have a strong support system at home.14
Etizolam Addiction Treatment Options
The initial goal of detox is to stabilize an individual physically and mentally, and it is an important step in a substance abuse treatment plan. Beyond detox, behavioral therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI), may be part of a comprehensive treatment and recovery model. CBT helps individuals to explore the way their thoughts and emotions translate into actions, and teaches new and healthier ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and cravings.15
By learning new techniques through group and individual therapy sessions, newly recovering individuals can determine what their personal triggers may be and how to avoid and manage them in the future without reaching for mind-altering substances.16
Change Your Life at Greenhouse
At Greenhouse, American Addiction Centers’ inpatient addiction treatment near Dallas, you’ll find help through all different levels of rehab, beginning with detox. We will help you safely overcome benzodiazepine dependence and will provide the care you need not only for addiction but for any mental health disorders you struggle with such as anxiety or depression, so that you have the best chances for recovery. Our rehab admissions navigators are standing by to answer any questions like how to pay for rehab, how to use insurance to cover addiction treatment, and how to begin the admissions process. You can also begin the process by verifying your insurance below. See how this former American Addiction Centers patient found renewed hope in our program.