Addiction Treatment for College Students in Texas
Many college students are adapting to a new environment and lifestyle. Unfortunately, this new freedom comes with an increase in access to alcohol and drugs which may lead to addiction in college students. According to a 2019 survey, the highest rates of marijuana and some illicit drug use, particularly amphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens, and MDMA, were among college students in their early 20s. If you suspect your child is abusing drugs in college, treatment at a Texas rehab can help.
Alcohol Abuse at Texas Colleges
Alcohol remains a popular drug of choice for Texas college students. According to a 2017 survey of substance abuse among college students, 79% reported ever using alcohol, 73% used alcohol in the past year and 58% reported drinking in the last month.
Binge drinking (five or more drinks in one sitting for men, 4 or more for women) is also a concern among college students in Texas. Among students who drink, 37% of males and 34% of females reported binge drinking in the past month. Even more alarming, 7% of males and 4% of females reported binge drinking six or more times in the past month.
According to a 2019 study, first-year college students are a high-risk group for heavy drinking and alcohol-related problems due to social pressures and expectations, especially in the first six weeks of college. Alcohol-related problems may include, drunk driving accidents, fatalities and DUI’s. In 2018, 28% of drivers in alcohol-related crashes were age 25 or under.
Drug Abuse Among Texas College Students
- One out of every three college students in Texas admits to using marijuana in the prior year.
- About 1 percent of college students reported prior-year use of synthetic marijuana (down from 3 percent in 2013).
- About 5 percent of college students reported using cocaine in the previous year (up from 3 percent in 2013).
- Male college students were more likely to report past-year illicit drug use than female college students in Texas.
- One out of every five college students in Texas reported misusing a prescription drug at least one time in their lifetime.
- About 8 percent of Texas college students reported past-year abuse of a prescription painkiller.
- About 9 percent of college students in Texas admit to abusing a prescription stimulant in the past year.
- Approximately 7 percent of the college students in Texas report misusing prescription sedatives in the previous year.
- Over half of those students who reported past-year prescription drug misuse obtained the drugs from a person who had a legitimate prescription .
- Ecstasy (MDMA) was abused by 4 percent of college students in Texas in the year leading up to the survey.
Alcohol and marijuana are some of the most commonly abused substances by college students in Texas. Both of these substances can lead to consequences and impact brain development. Alcohol poisoning deaths in Texas were 5.4 per 1 million people between 2010 and 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) warns that around a third of those who currently use marijuana battle addiction to the drug.
Study Drugs and Adderal Use in College
Prescription stimulant abuse is another alarming trend among college students. These drugs (which are typically ADHD medications containing amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, or methylphenidate like Adderall, Concerta, or Ritalin) may be abused as “study drugs” in an effort to increase focus and stay awake longer to study or work on school projects. As many as one-third of college students may abuse these prescription medications to try and get ahead, USA Today publishes.
Use of a prescription stimulant without the need for it can have serious side effects, including addiction, suppressed appetite, restlessness, dry mouth, rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, heightened body temperature, trouble sleeping, anxiety, paranoia, headache, and dizziness. Adding alcohol to the mix increases the risk for alcohol poisoning, as the stimulant action of amphetamines can counteract the depressant nature of alcohol, and a person may not realize how drunk they are.
Any use of a prescription medication without a legitimate and necessary need for it can be potentially dangerous and is considered to be drug abuse.
Addiction Treatment & Rehab For Texas College Students
There are two main forms of treatment for substance abuse and addiction: inpatient (or residential) and outpatient rehab treatment. Both offer a variety of services, from detox programs to therapy, counseling, educational programs, and support groups.
Greenhouse Treatment Center near Dallas is made up of numerous specialists that all work in concert to help you take meaningful steps on your journey to recovery. At our Dallas-Fort Worth metro area rehab facility, we bring your family into the fold as we work together toward your goals.
Inpatient treatment is just one portion of a full addiction treatment program at our Dallas rehab facility. The length of stay for an inpatient program may vary according to each individual’s needs and preferences. Some patients prefer just a short-term rehab stay, while others may prefer to be in rehab for a month or longer. Recovery services often include peer-based and 12-Step groups that begin meeting during a treatment program and can continue offering support and encouragement into recovery. Many of these groups even meet on or near college campuses and are designed for college students in recovery.
Texas College Programs for Sober Students
There are over 100 colleges and universities spread out over the large state of Texas. Below is a list of some of these colleges that have programs for sober students:
The University of Texas at Austin
- The HealthyHorns Study Natural initiative promotes a drug-free student body that abstains from prescription drug misuse.
- UT also offers the BASICS program (Brief Alcohol Screening & Intervention for College Students), a free program offered to students through the University Health Services.
- The University Of TexasM Center for Students in Recovery (CSR) provides many services for students to enhance recovery, including meetings, events, support groups like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), and more.
Texas A & M University
- TAMU has many resources, both on campus and within the local community, to support addiction treatment and recovery.
- Bryan, Texas also hosts AA meetings in the local community.
- The Baylor Recovery Program supports its students in recovery by providing resources, including AA meetings hosted on campus.
Texas Tech University
- The Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities at Texas Tech University promotes a community of sobriety and support for students in recovery, which includes sober events, sober tailgating for football games, sober dorm options, weekly seminars, and more
Southern Methodist University
- SMU provides a list of resources for support and recovery groups and sober living options, both on campus and in the local community.
Texas Christian University
- TCU offers a wide range of resources, both on campus and in the surrounding area, to support students in crisis and in recovery through the TCU Recovery Support Group, Alcohol & Drug Education Office, Counseling & Mental Health Center, and Brown-Lupton Health Center.
Houston Community College
- AA Houston offers local meetings for students and the community.
Sam Houston State University
- The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Initiative (ADAI) at SMSU provides drug and alcohol education services as well as resources for students. SMSU also hosts a Kats4Recovery peer-based system for students in recovery.
Texas State University
- TSU has multiple alcohol and drug resources on campus and within the local community, including the Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services (ADCS) that provides resources to support students completing sanctions that are mandated by courts. AA also meets on campus, and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meets in the San Marcos Area.
University of Houston
- Cougars in Recovery (CIR) supports students in recovery with a peer-to-peer process group that does a CIR weekly Community Check-In and an Outdoor Adventure Learning Experience offered in both the spring and fall semesters.
University of North Texas
- The UNT Collegiate Recovery Program provides students with a multitude of resources, including support group meetings and recovery housing options.
Most colleges, community colleges, universities, and local communities have resources for students in treatment and recovery. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides a behavioral health services locator tool to help individuals find local treatment services. Both AA and NA are national organizations that offer meetings all over the country and within the state of Texas; they are sure to have local meetings in college communities or even on college campuses that cater to student populations.
College counselors and health services professionals can help students find services and treatment programs as well. Most campuses will also have a hotline or crisis services for students who require immediate assistance. Even though some Texas colleges are known for parties with alcohol and drugs, universities strive to promote a sober environment by offering sober activities and numerous support services to their students.